Hello SVI Trefoil Guild Leads……please share the following with your members.....
I am writing all of you on behalf of the SVI Area Legacy Committee of which I am a member. The committee wants to ensure that the Trefoil Guilds of SVI are informed of our progress as we move forward with proposals. You will already have received the mass email sent out on December 16, 2021 explaining the mandate of the Legacy Committee, as well as instructions on submitting proposals. We have received many to date and have vetted and prioritized proposals that can be acted on in the immediate future. We feel it is important to be able to show the SVI membership the results of their input and a demonstrable outcome. These proposals will be voted on by Area Council in the near future and we will then be able to begin. I am not able to disclose quite yet what the proposals are but you will hear very soon about the exciting plans.
As with any sizeable project, people are needed to make them happen. We would like invite SVI Trefoil members to be involved in the implementation of any of the projects – from taking the lead, to being a resource person, to researching, or to being a helper bee. Quite often people are willing to help out but not on a long-term basis. These legacy projects could fulfill the wish to be involved, on your own terms, and provide a sense of satisfaction that you too were part of the “legacy” which was made possible by the Guiders who went before us.
In addition to considering volunteering on a project, I also encourage you to give thought to a legacy idea of your own and submit to the committee. We need to hear from all members of our area and Trefoil members have the advantage of knowing the history of SVI and can offer a different perspective based on your years of experience. Proposals will be accepted on an ongoing basis.
Here is a direct link to the proposal form: https://forms.gle/tVk33sraWrLJ9vRy6. We look forward to hearing your ideas, either individually or as a group.
Yours in Guiding,
Lynda Ireland
SVI Legacy Committee Member