Financial Committee
Topics at a glance
Parent Online Bill Payment Instructions
Purchase Cards
Treasurers' training
Fundraising guidelines (BC Council)​
Fundraising form (Girl Guides of Canada)
Fundraising spreadsheets
Unified Banking
See the Parent Online Bill Payment Instructions to deposit monies to your
daughter's unit (i.e. cookies, events, etc.). You'll need the banking number
for their unit and the girl's iMIS number.
Treasurers' Forms
For Units & Districts
Expense Claim form
You will need to Enable Editing at the top of the worksheet, to complete the form on your computer. Note that the Expense Descriptions are on the second tab at the bottom.
SVI Area Level
The Area level Expense Claim form is currently unavailable on the website as a new form is being implemented
Please contact the SVI Area treasurer via email for a copy.
On the new form Note the tabs at the bottom for specific claims
Purchase Cards
Wherever possible (i.e. vendor does not accept Visa), Unit and District purchases should be made using the purchase card
Using the purchase card on-line
See photo for an example of how to fill out a payment form.
Billing address is:
100 - 180 Duncan Mills Road,
Toronto, Ontario M3B 1Z6
Phone number:
Shipping address is yours
For Guide Store purchases, DO NOT click on PayPal
The Unified Banking Champions are available to answer your questions via email here.
Example of payment form.
Fundraising in SVI Area
BC Council Fundraising Guidelines
As you plan your activities and fund raising, be sure to read the Guidelines from the BC Council before submitting a FR.1 - Application for Fundraising Approval.
Girl Guides of Canada Fundraising Form
The Application for Fundraising Approval (FR.1) is used to request approval for any fundraising
above and beyond the sale of Girl Guide cookies by your Unit, District, Area.
Submit the FR.1 form to the office at Guide House for review and approval prior to beginning your fundraising:
• Unit and district fundraising requests require approval from Area Council or its delegate;
• Area council fundraising requests require approval from BC Council.
Fundraising Sheets
Two handy spreadsheets to keep track of your fundraising activities.
portion shares
Tracking Sheet for project -- email SVI Area Commissioners Team for current spreadsheet.