Camp bookings
Bookings for September 1 to December 31 can be made starting August 1, 2024.
Be sure to check the SVI Availability for Booking page before completing the booking form.
SVI Legacy Project
Please see Legacy Committee for information on the activities of the Committee. Camping season is a good time to think about what might improve our camping venues.
Submission ideas continue to be accepted via the Google form.
Camp Booking Improvements
Some of you may have noticed that the SVI Availability for Booking page looks slightly different. With feedback from members, we have highlighted the weekend days in yellow for quicker scanning. You will also notice that the camping venue columns titles are repeated at the beginning of every month. Unfortunately, the Excel document won't load with the frozen rows of the original spreadsheet.
a) SVI Area Training Day was March 9
Click here or go to the Training page for resources from the Training Day
b) First Aid Training
An update on First Aid Training for Guiders is also available on the Training page.
If you have questions about training in SVI Area, please email the Training Team.
Register any time
Guide Office
The Victoria office is closed.
Emails and phone messages will be answered by our National office.
See CONTACT US for resources and mailing address.