Discovery Camp Weekend
October 4-6, 2019 at Camp Jubilee
Information letter and Registration form and SG4
A suitable kit list is available here
Units are responsible for:
1) completing their own Safe Guide forms (SG1, SG2 & SG3) for this event,
2) add the SG4 above (add your unit name and date of signature)
3) submit all 4 forms to the BC Safe Guide Assessment email.
Pathfinder units: Join the SVI Camping Committee for Discovery Camp 2019, October 4-6 where we will be playing games, building, and working as a team.
Out Eat - Out Sleep - Out House in an epic game of Survivor.
The Camp will feature outdoor skills, round robin, drop-in activities, self-directed challenges, group games and a whole lot more.
Units supply their own tents, equipment and meals for Saturday breakfast, lunch and dinner, Sunday breakfast.